When placing the Spatial Data (hereinafter referred to as the Geodata) on the Site http://mammals.kz (hereinafter, the Site), by sending Geodata via forms available on the Site, the User
The User gives his/her consent for the Geodata placement on the Site, namely, for the arrangements determined by the "Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 10, 1996, No. 6-I 'On Copyright and Related Rights" and confirms that giving such a consent, he acts freely, voluntarily and for his/her own benefit. The User Consent to the Geodata placement on the Site is specific, informed and conscious.
The User enables the Site to carry out the following non-commercial activities with the placed Geodata:
The site undertakes to:
The exclusive copyrights of the Geodata published on the Site by the User belong to the User (the Author). The User understands that Geodata placed on the Site and uploaded by the User or other Users may be seen by other Users and used for the development of research programs. The User understands that the Geodata available on the Site and uploaded by the User will be used by other Users and may not be returned to him in the event of termination of this Agreement. The User guarantees and relieves the Site from any copyright or other third parties claims.
There are no predicted fees for transferring the rights of the Geodata published on the Site.
The right to use Geodata is transferred to the Site from the date of its placement on the Site.
We consider the dissemination of information about mammals of Kazakhstan both inside our country and abroad to be one of the priority activities on the Site. Given that for many Users, such as research institutes, the information published by them on the site (Geodata, photos, etc.) is of scientific value, the Workgroup will use its best endeavors to ensure that the information published is not used by other Users or unregistered persons on the Site without attribution.
The Use of the Geodata published on the Site for scientific or other purposes by other Users is possible only with indication of the authorship of Geodata. Authorship is indicated by placing the identification number and author's surname, or bibliographic references for each record.
Downloading the Geodata for scientific or other purposes is carried out by sending the request on the Site.
In other cases, the data published on the Site is viewable but not downloadable to Users.
Placing the Photographic Material on the Site http://mammals.kz (hereinafter - the Site), by sending the Photographic Material through the forms published on the Site, The User
The moment of acceptance of the Consent is clicking on the Photographic Material submit button on any page of the Site. The User gives his / her Consent to placing the Photographic Material on the Site, namely to perform the actions defined by the "Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 10, 1996, No. 6-I 'On Copyright and Related Rights" and confirms that, by giving such consent, he acts freely, on a voluntary basis and for own benefit.
The User grants the Site the right to carry out the following non-commercial actions with the Photographic Material:
No fees are forseen for the Photographic Material placed on the Site; When using the Photographic Material, the Site undertakes to indicate the Author’s name on the photo;
Photo images are published on the Site under one of the two licenses listed below. The right to choose the license belongs to the User (the Author); the license may be modified by the User (the Author) at his/her will.
“Open License” (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International = CC BY 4.0)
Users are allowed to copy, distribute, reproduce, execute and process the Copyrighted Material, provided the author of the Photo is indicated. You can find the full text of the license here.
"Restricted License"
The exclusive copyrights for the images contained in the Photographic Material are the property of the User (the Author). The use of any Material published on the Site by other Users without agreement with the User (Author) is not allowed.
Spatial data (geographical data or geodata) - data on spatial objects and their sets. - The spatial data consists of two interconnected parts: coordinates and attributive data.
The site http://mammals.kz belongs to the zoological expert community of Kazakhstan. Correspondence address: 18 Beibitshilik St., Astana, 010000, office 406.
Photographic material – digital images.
User means natural person aged eighteen and above having an account and using the Site in accordance with the Agreement on use of the Geodata and the Terms of Use of data on the Site.
The User may use the Site in the name and on behalf of some other natural or legal person, provided that he or she has the appropriate authority.
Access to data - any registered User has the right to view the information published on the site (geodata, photos, and more) and download and use it for his/her own purposes within the framework of the “Location Agreement”, “Terms of Use”, “Photographic Material Copyright Agreement”.
Personal account is a section of the website located at http://mammals.kz/lk/personal and intended for Registration, creation of the User Account and its management.
Scientific publication means presentation of the results of the scientist's work in the form of an article in a specialized scientific journal, collection or monograph.
Geodata downloading is the process of obtaining Geodata by the User from the Site.